Offering Solutions for Precious Metal Plating
Metalor is a leading supplier of precious metal plating products and processes, both electrolytic and electroless, developed over many years to meet the demands of a diverse set of activities in the electronics, semiconductor and decorative industries. The Metalor processes are designed for use with high speed, reel-to-reel, barrel, rack, vibratory and semiconductor metallization equipment. Simply stated, Metalor products work − they are tried and tested. The Advanced Coatings Division at Metalor concentrates its expertise on a comprehensive plating process range which includes precious metal solutions and ancillary products.

Uyemura is a science company founded in 1848, with core competencies in the development, testing and manufacture of plating chemistries. Uyemura was the first company in the plating industry to establish a research laboratory (today, they have 5 worldwide) as an institution for interdisciplinary surface treatment research. Their global R&D activities have generously rewarded the Uyemura brand with the confidence of leading OEMs in virtually every sector. That said, in the PCB and Semiconductor spaces Uyemura is a recognized leader. Uyemura’ s mission is the development of practical solutions to the competitive, operational and environmental challenges our customers face. Their greatest achievement is providing processes that result in significant and lasting competitive advantages for the valued customers we serve.